Traditionally, defenders of suburban sprawl have been skittish about proclaiming that government should promote sprawl and halt infill development. Instead, they have taken a libertarian tack, arguing that government should allow any kind of development while asserting that a level playing field … [Read more...]
Joel Kotkin doesn’t know what a “garden city” is, but he knows he loves it
Longtime Market Urbanism readers will know that we're not huge fans of Joel Kotkin. But his most recent article on megacities (spoiler: the "triumphalism" surrounding them "frankly disturbs me") sets a new low for sheer factual inaccuracy. I'm speaking specifically of his policy prescription, which … [Read more...]
Who believes that smart growth caused the recession?
So, I have a question. This might sound like I'm trying to be snarky, but I'm actually genuinely in search of an answer: Is there any economist out there other than Wendell Cox and Joel Kotkin who actually believes this? This all should give some pause to the relentless hoopla about the country’s … [Read more...]